Breast Cancer Awareness CME Series

Breast Cancer Awareness CME Series CME

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women worldwide. Breast Cancer Awareness aims to increase public knowledge and understanding of this disease, promote early detection, and support individuals affected by breast cancer. This awareness campaign plays a vital role in empowering individuals to take control of their breast health and seek timely medical attention.

Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns have made significant strides in increasing awareness, improving early detection rates, and supporting individuals affected by breast cancer. By promoting education, early detection, and support, these initiatives empower individuals to make informed decisions about their breast health and encourage community-wide support for those facing breast cancer.

2 activities included in this collection.

With Dr. Allan Sajabi Masinde
Published on 22 November 2022

With Dr. Allan Sajabi
Published on 22 November 2022

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