Thyroid Disorders CME Series

Thyroid Disorders CME Series CME

Thyroid disorders is a relatively common endocrine disorder with high prevalence worldwide. Persons with a normally functioning thyroid gland are described as being in a state of euthyroidism. Noting that there are two main categories of thyroid dysfunction; hypothyroidism, or decreased secretion of thyroid hormones, and hyperthyroidism, the overproduction of these hormones, most dysfunctional situations involving the thyroid gland are included in these two categories. For these patients, diagnosing or controlling the co-morbid thyroid disorder can have a major impact on the health and well-being of the patient. Critical to the issue of holistic patient care is awareness that several drugs used to treat common comorbidities, such as amiodarone, may increase the risk of thyroid dysfunction. This CME series is designed to provide all healthcare workers with treatment and support strategies by use of evidence-based medicine to aid diagnosis and management of common thyroid disorders often presenting as clinical dilemmas.

3 activities included in this collection.

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