Role of Nutraceticals in Medical Nutrition Therapy

Role of Nutraceticals in Medical Nutrition Therapy  CME

Nutraceuticals are medicinal foods that play a role in maintaining well being, enhancing health, modulating immunity and thereby preventing as well as treating specific diseases. Thus the field of nutraceutical can be envisioned as one of the missing blocks in the health benefit of an individual. In the past, nutraceuticals were used as alternative to modern medicines that promote quality of health, increases nutritive value of the diet and prolongs life expectancy. In recent years, a new diet health paradigm is evolving which places more emphasis on the positive aspects of diet. The new lifestyle adopted by people today has changed the basic food habits of the latter. This CME series is a case-based series dedicated to strengthen and improve the clinical knowledge and skills of primary care practitioners as they serve, support, and deliver care to patients. 

4 activities included in this collection.

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